Friday, May 27, 2005

El Comienzo

My initial thought was to begin with lyrics to "Leavin' On a Jet Plane" but then I realized that my readers deserve more than such a trite opening.

Now I realize that complaining about my own banality is not much better.

Anyhoo, in a few hours, I leave for my first summer abroad trip to Morelia. It is about damn time, too, because I've just about had it with Roanoke. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I also hate it. While part of it is nice (family), part of it is not (most friends). There is only so much I can handle of old friends before we're just waiting to tell about our own lives. As I told a friend, I've already gone through them, and it's time for something different.
What makes Roanoke that much harder to bear is simply the fact that there is nothing for me here. I used to have goals, purpose here, in high school. In Williamsburg, I again have things to do. Now, though, I don't have anything. I'm just sitting at home waiting for something to happen. It's been making me terribly anxious. I just can't take doing nothing for extended periods of time.

Well, I finally will not have to deal with this anymore, because I am on my way.

So long, fools.

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