Tuesday, July 29, 2008


If there is one thing I learned in college, it's that I can improve.  No matter where I am in my life, I'll never be one to say that I am done.
That's not to say I'm dissatisfied with who I am.  It's just that I think I can always do better.

If there is another thing I learned in college, it's that I am a lazy-ass who will get out of anything if I can get away with it.  So if I'm going to set myself on the road to self-improvement, I need to foolproof it.  So I've decided to publicize my successes and shortcomings in short periodic posts called Upgrade/Downgrade, in honor of VH1's Best Week Ever (obviously).

Here goes:

  • I cleaned out my car today - vacuumed, too.
  • Found my ipod shuffle
  • Started the 100-pushup challenge that my friends at work decided we should all do.
  • Actually started content on this blog.
  • I ate fast food twice today.
  • Wasted time on the internet until 1:00pm
  • Didn't go out today.
  • I played a mean trick on Ayesha.
It'll take a while to figure out what's Upgrade/Downgrade worthy.  We'll see how this plays out.

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