Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Sullen Contrariness with Little Provocation

A new era of Andrew-centered ridicule began today as Daniel came across a website detailing the symptoms ofPassive-Aggressive Personality Disorder. Originally intended for our friend Christina, Daniel quickly applied everything mentioned on the site to me, citing specific examples this year. While I can't exactly deny a lot of these connections, it's still irritating to be labeled with a personality disorder I don't actually think I have. What's much worse, though, is that I know that this will lead to more and more instances of making fun of me, and when those instances elicit an emotional reaction out of me, they'll immediately be attributed to being passive-aggressive and then quickly dismissed. This will not be a happy transition phase.

On a related note, is it passive-aggressive to bitch about this in a blog that I know Daniel will eventually read? You're damn right it is.

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